Chiropractor Downers Grove IL

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The Office of Chiropractor Dr. Susanne Kowalski, D.C. – a trusted resource for wellness in the Downers Grove community (located at 2946 Finley Road, Downers Grove, IL 60515) .

Our team uses safe, evidence-based Chiropractic techniques, along with modern technology, to help you get rid of headaches, neck pain, back pain and muscular tension. We also help with a host of other conditions such as sciatica, herniated discs, chronic pain and car accident injuries.

Come visit us today and learn the Evolve Chiropractic difference.

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The Office of Chiropractor Dr. Susanne Kowalski, D.C. – a trusted resource for wellness in the Downers Grove community (located at 2946 Finley Road, Downers Grove, IL 60515) .

Our team uses safe, evidence-based Chiropractic techniques, along with modern technology, to help you get rid of headaches, neck pain, back pain and muscular tension. We also help with a host of other conditions such as sciatica, herniated discs, chronic pain and car accident injuries.

Come visit us today and learn the Evolve Chiropractic difference.

dr susanne chiropractor downers grove il

Dr. Susanne Kowalski, D.C. is a Chicagoland native and  current Chiropractor in Downers Grove IL. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from Saint Mary’s College in South Bend, IN and her Doctorate from The National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, IL.

Her journey into Alternative Medicine and Chiropractic arose after suffering from significant illness in her early 20’s and seeing firsthand the dramatic positive difference Chiropractic care brought about in not only her physical state but also her mental and emotional well-being. It is her endeavor to share the benefits of Chiropractic with her patients by delivering the same quality of care she received as a patient.

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See Our Downers Grove Chiropractic Office

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

There are many reasons patients in Downers Grove, IL come to visit our chiropractors – from back pain relief to neck pain relief, headaches, tension, injuries, auto accidents like whiplash and more.

Our therapies and chiropractic care involve a wide variety of evidence-based chiropractic techniques – including spinal manipulations, massage therapy, physical therapy and personalized home care routines.

We are able to help our patients optimize their health and well-being by keeping their spines aligned and making sure the nerves traveling from the spine to the rest of the body aren’t blocked in any way.

Back Pain Relief

You can reduce your back pain, get relief and restore the quality of your life with chiropractic care at Evolve Chiropractic of Downers Grove, IL.

We offer advanced chiropractic relief care plans to help you manage the back pain. We use natural, evidence-based techniques and strive for a holistic approach to help you avoid using medications or invasive surgical procedures to treat your back pain.


Click to learn more about how chiropractic helps with back pain.

Neck Pain Relief

The impact of neck pain on someone’s life can be serious.

For some people, neck pain only lasts a short time and then the symptoms go away. For others, it is a challenging, long-term issue that requires ongoing care.

If you have been experiencing neck pain an extended period of time, give Evolve Chiropractic of Downers a call. We can help improve your range of motion, lessen your pain and find out the core issues that started your neck pain problems in the first place.


There are 3 main types of headaches we see our patients suffer from when they first come to our Downers Grove, IL office:

Tension Headaches:

Tension headaches are very common and often result from prolonged tension in the shoulders, head and neck. While many people choose to treat these with medications, we prefer to show our patients how to resolve the muscular tension that originally caused the issue.


Migraines are not only painful but can also include other symptoms like nausea and dizziness. By making the proper spinal adjustments, incorporating massage and providing self-care techniques, we’ve seen many patients reduce or eliminate their migraines.

Cluster Headaches:

These can be extremely painful and are often characterized by one-sided pain. When misalignment of the spine is the cause of these headaches, chiropractic adjustments can be an effective form of care.

Luckily for our patients, we have seen many of them experience massive change within a short time of receiving care at our office. Many times, headaches are being caused by a misalignment of the spine and we able to help patients see results through gentle, spinal adjustments.


Sciatica is a condition where the sciatic nerve, which runs down the legs from the lower back, becomes irritated or compressed.


People suffering from Sciatica know the pain – which manifests in the lower back, hips, buttocks and legs – can be very intense and hard to manage. This causes many people to turn to pain medications for relief.


Fortunately, there are other options and we have seen many of our patients lessen or completely eliminate their sciatica without using medications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Downers Grove, IL Chiropractors specialize in caring for disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system (as it relates to nerves moving out from the spine to affect other parts of the body).

Modern chiropractic care is a form of care that uses tools like spinal adjustments, personalized self-care routines and soft tissue manipulation to help bring the spine back into proper alignment. It also ensures the nerves that move out from the spine are unencumbered.

Chiropractic care, like healthcare in general, has no firm guarantees. That would be impossible to offer. However, we trust the evidence and, based on the  results of thousands of patients we’ve had come through our offices, we can confidently say chiropractic care has changed their lives for the better.

We only use safe, scientifically-based techniques and our doctors work personally with our patients to help them meet their individual health goals. This level of personalized care has been a key to our significant track record of success and greatly increases the likelihood that you will get the results you’re looking for.

Even though most people only associate chiropractic with common complaints like Back Pain, Neck Pain and Headaches, chiropractic care can help with many other challenging spine issues. Some of these include Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD),  Herniated Discs, Spinal Osteoarthritis, Spondylosis, Spinal Stenosis and several others. 

Chiropractic has also been shown to be effective for many other conditions like Chronic Pain and Range of Motion issues, Sciatica, Healing from Sports Injuries, Injuries from Accidents and even Chronic Ear Infections (one of the reasons we see so many kids in our offices).

The entire body is interconnected by a network of nerves flowing from the spinal cord. That’s why keeping those  nerve connections working smoothly  and without obstruction can have a profound effect on the body.

Evolve Chiropractic is an insurance-friendly provider. We work with all the major insurance companies.

On your first visit, we will look over your insurance coverage and let you know exactly what it does (or doesn’t) cover. We also have very reasonable cash rates many of our patients take advantage.

We happily accept Medicare but unfortunately, Medicaid plans do not cover chiropractic care.

Driving Directions

Evolve Chiropractic of Downers Grove is a Downers Grove chiropractor conveniently located on Finley Rd, near the intersection of Butterfield Rd and Veterans Memorial Tollway and Mainstreet Square Shopping Center.

Local News and Resources

Mental health programs to start in select suburbs after voters approved property tax hikes  

After voters approved property taxes for new mental health services, publicly sponsored counseling, treatment, and medical care will soon be accessible in certain Chicago suburbs.

Referendums in Schaumburg, Wheeling, and Vernon townships, three DuPage County townships, and across Will County authorized mental health boards on Tuesday. In Winfield Township, voters narrowly rejected the idea.

The bills seek for the establishment of mental health boards to be appointed by county or township supervisors. Typically, the boards would do a needs assessment before establishing a budget and a tax levy. The proceeds would be used to support grants to providers of mental health, developmental disability, and drug misuse services.


The Board of Health guarantees that all state laws and county regulations pertaining to health preservation are observed and enforced. To that aim, the Board of Health in DuPage County permits and conducts all required health inspections and investigations. In addition, the Board of Health issues rules and regulations that establish minimum requirements for programs and performance. It is in charge of making health information available to DuPage County residents. The DuPage County Board of Health works to improve physical and emotional health, prevent sickness, injury, and disability, and protect DuPage County residents from environmental risks.


Location: 111 N County Farm Rd, Wheaton, IL 60187, United States

6.5568768, 3.3488896


The DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) was founded in November 1944 by referendum vote and commenced operations in March 1945. The Health Department’s services are designed to protect the health of inhabitants and tourists. The Illinois Department of Public Health has certified the Health Department as a municipal health department, and as such, it must perform certain tasks.

The Health Department is headquartered in Wheaton, Illinois, but has satellite offices around the state.

The Board of Health creates policies and authorizes the Health Department’s budget, programs, and services. For additional information about the Board of Health, please visit the website listed below.


Location: 1709 E Roosevelt Rd, Wheaton, IL 60187, United States

6.5568768, 3.3488896


When people hear the term “County government,” they invariably inquire, “What does the County government do?” DuPage County provides citizens with services that serve to sustain our quality of life, making it an excellent location to live, work, and raise a family.

DuPage County Governance affects all 926,000 persons in the county, in addition to being the form of government for all unincorporated regions. Funding and oversight are provided for the county court system, the jail, the health department, the sheriff’s department, animal control, transportation and congestion relief, economic development, community services, and assistance to those in need at the county nursing home.


6.5568768, 3.3488896